Sunday, September 27, 2015

Creepy Portrait Wall

This year I decided to go all out on the interior of my house for Halloween. I saw an idea on Pinterest for a creepy type of photo wall and wanted to try it out. It was really easy to recreate and you can put a lot of your own touches on it.

All you need are picture frames, even ones you already own, and the time and energy to search out Pinterest or the internet for photos that fit your theme. In my case, half the frames I owned and the other half I got at thrift stores. I probably spent $5.00 total for frames. I used push pins to hang all the frames as they were lightweight. 

As you can see above, and throughout the other pictures, I'm really into witches this year. I liked this picture above and the fact that it printed with a black boarder. I decided to use a dark red scrapbook paper for the background and put it in a larger black frame. It helped give the overall look of the wall a "darker" feel.

Above are some of the frames I used and a closeup of some of the pictures. Check out those twins! They get me every single time I see them! Just loving sisters right? Or something out of The Shining!?

The above picture is my absolute favorite! As many of you may recall, my love of Halloween comes mostly from my Gran Mac. Unfortunately she passed away this spring and so the witches are a tribute to her. She absolutely loved the Wizard of Oz and the Wicked Witch of the West was her favorite character. The photo itself just seemed like something she would really love.

The cool thing about this frame is that I bought it as-is with no glass so it was really lightweight. I just loved all the different layers and colors of the frame. It was perfect for putting a green background to compliment the black and white photo.

Above is the finished project. I will note that the painting of the girl in white to the left was a $10 picker find that seemed so fitting I just had to have it! You will also see that I put a few "scenic" pictures in there for effect, including the outside of the WDW Haunted Mansion on opening day. And if you look really close you might see a few Grim Grinning Ghosts! It's a little hard to take a quality picture of the overall look, but trust me when I say it's amazing in person.

Next up I will get more into the detailed touches of what makes this a WDW Haunted Mansion theme. All I'll say is be prepared for a whole lot of Leota! Stay tuned to see what's in store....

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Creepy Eyes Wallpaper

After a very long time away from blogging, I'm back, and just in time for Halloween!! I've been crafting during the hiatus, I just haven't been sharing it on the blog as we've been a very busy family this year.

I'm not surprised that I had an urge to blog again right around the time I started thinking up ideas for Halloween. As I've mentioned before it is my absolute favorite holiday!

This year the inspiration for my interior decorations is coming from the Walt Disney World Haunted Mansion ride. I have a LOT to share with you over the next few blog posts, but I figured I'd kick it off with a simple and very cost effective craft I call "creepy eyes wallpaper".

Note: I did this by myself within 15 minutes but it is a very kid friendly craft if you have little helpers!

For those looking to recreate this craft you'll be happy to know it cost me a total of $4.50. I got the black tablecloth for $1.50 at Dollar General and the creepy eyes for $2.99 at Michael's. Other supplies you will need include scissors, tape, and a stapler, but you should already have that on hand.

After taking the tablecloth out of it's packaging I hung it on the door and found a crease to cut it from to size it right. Make sure you have extra tablecloth on the sides and the top so you can wrap it around the door frame. The only part you'll want to be cut accurately is the bottom as you won't be wrapping that under. As you'll see in the picture above, I had enough excess tablecloth that i could roll it and staple it on the top corner. This will help keep the tablecloth from sagging. You want it as tight to the door as possible.

You'll also want to make sure you pull it tight around the hinges so that you are able to open and close the door without the tablecloth ripping. For the doorknobs, cut a small hole in the tablecloth and push the doorknob through. Don't forget to also cut a hole for the door jam as well so the door will function properly.

After you are finished taping the tablecloth to the back of the door you can begin to apply your sticker eyes. I found the pack I bought at Michael's had a nice adhesive so I'm not worried at all that the stickers will fall off. On the other hand I was able to gently peel them off and move them if I needed to, although I don't recommend doing that too many times.

Above is the finished product! I hope you like what I created.

I think it's important to point out that the reason I call this a "creepy eyes wallpaper" is because you could easily do this on any wall of your home. I chose to do it on this pantry door because the area I am decorating is my kitchen and I was running out of wall space.... which means next up is a wall of creepy photos you won't want to miss!